Input-Output (Model for download)

An aggregated version of the Input-Output model is available for download.

  • The download comprises a R script and the data file (.rds) that contains the Input-Output data sets.
  • The files can be used to derive Energy Demand for the year 2014 by functionality or final demand structure
  • Inputs for the simulation are
    • Composition of functionality satisfiers and levels thereof (2014 = 1)
    • Composition of final demand by commodity (Mio. Euro)
  • Outputs shown in the figure
    • the energy demand of 2014 by functionality and related to export
    • further disaggregated by
      • Five Energy types (fossil, waste, biomass energy sources, ambient heat, electricity)
      • Purpose of use
        • Thermal: high or low temperature
        • Mechanical, for mobile or stationary engines
        • Specific electric , as for IT, lightning
input-output model
Representation of the results for 2014

Instructions to reproduce diagram

The download comprises a R script and the data file (.rds) that contains the Input-Output data sets. The execution of the script produces two Excel-files (.xlsx) that represent primary and final energy demand related to functionalities and their levels

To achive that the following steps need to be followed:

  1. download the r-script and the data file (rds) from
  2. download and install R-Software (;
  3. (optional) download and install Rstudio ( – a user friendly environment for R – is recommended
  4. adapt the path to the rds file in the R-script
  5. the level of functionalities and their satisfiers can be set in the script; in the original script all levels are set to 1 which represents the level of 2014
  6. the execution of the script results in two Excel-files (.xlsx) that contain the primary and final demand related to the functionalities and their levels.